Keith Waggoner

Keith Waggoner

Keith Waggoner is on the bte365官网地址 Board of Trustees.

Keith Waggoner is a 1974 graduate of God’s Bible School High School. He earned a B.S. and M.S. in Management from Indiana Wesleyan University and completed the Program for Manager Development at the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School in 2002.

He retired from Caterpillar Inc. in 2012, after 30 years of service. During his career, he held various managerial positions in several U.S. locations as well as a foreign assignment in England.

He is currently the General Manager of RANK Management Group LLC, a family-owned property management business. In addition, Keith and his wife, Sharon, also an alumnus, are very active in Song Evangelism.

Keith and Sharon reside in Frankfort, Indiana and are members of the Frankfort Bible Holiness Church. They are the parents of three children and six wonderful grandchildren. Two of their children are graduates of God’s Bible School.
